On SBCPP and classic/premier some clients usually they would want certain earnings or deduction lines to be swapped around on the ED or DD screen. Now for them to do that currently they have to ensure a specific earning or deduction does not have an amount, delete the line and add it to the other field.
We can however leave out the statutory deductions from DD screen: Tax, UIF and SDL, and from the ED screen we can leave out the basic salary/wage. But any additional deduction or earning line captured by the user should have that option to be swapped around in case a user makes a mistake by for instance adding an overtime description on line 7 instead of on line 2 after basic salary.
This will mean the payslip screen, MOC screen, TOT screen and reports will be affected by this change.
The functionality to move earning or dedcution lines already exists, it is called Edcon.
Business Partners should be able to assist cusomers.
You can review the old chekclist available on: https://confluence.sage.com/display/ACPP/Payroll+-+Checklists?preview=%2F351710284%2F351710644%2FVIPEDCON+Classic+and+Premier.docx
On payroll Professional, on the company listing screen, select the Edit Company menu option to get to the relevant infoamtion
It is however not something I would recommend for a customer to attempt with-out the assitance of a Business Partner.
Moving to the SBCPP portal.